
I love you

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

June 26th 2017

When a person prays for courage…does God just give him courage?
When a person prays for patience…does God just give him patience or gives him what he wants?
When a person prays for their family to feel close..does God just give the family warm fuzzy feelings of closeness?
When a spouse prays for the mending of a relationship..does God just take away every wrong that was done and make it perfect?
When a person prays for mending or healing or change or happiness…does God immediately mend…does He take away the thing that hurt us? does He immediately change our circumstances to make us happy?

No…When a person prays for something, God gives them the opportunity for it…the opportunity for courage, a opportunity for growth..opportunity for healing..the opportunity for change..the opportunity for happiness.. God doesn’t give us exactly what we ask for, He gives us a way to find those things…He wants us to find it all through Him and with Him… He does it all to make us better equip to serve Him. So that His light shines through us that others see His light and come to Him! And in the end He gives us far more than we deserve, far more than we asked for…far more than we could ever imagine for ourselves.

Every trial, every stumble..every rock bottom we have in life is not to crush us and leave us broken…but rather to have us reach for Him~ He arcs us from who we are to who He designed us to be all along. Every trial is a blessing in disguise…it is God’s way of speaking to us, molding us, growing us.. My greatest trial was my greatest loss but it was also my greatest blessing… I know God in a way many do not, I’ve physically felt His peace filled embrace.. I’ve heard Him speak to me in the depths of my despair.. He has heaved me out of fierce waters to save me…and He has shown me miracles that could only point to Him.. 

I’ve lived in full trust with Him.. Nothing absolutely nothing in our lives happens with out passing through the fingertips of God..Time and time again~ I’ve prayed for so many things and God’s answer was no…not now or at times He has been silent…when there was silence I knew what He was asking of me.. PATIENCE. He was taking one of my weakest and shortest attributes and growing it into one of my strongest. The Bible is peppered with stories about prayer and requests..and each one speaks of prayer, patience and trust in God… all of those put together is our life breath, it quenches our thirst and feeds our soul…

Ask and you shall receive… seek and you shall find… knock and the door will be opened for you… sometimes you can’t save everything, you lose a lot, and you can’t make everything perfect the way you want it…because God has prepared and planned for us things far better than we could plan for ourselves…. its like God allows things to pass by us so that when what He has prepared for us comes by… we are perfectly prepared for it.


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